
Ust. Omar Usman works professionally as a technology consultant and is a certified project manager and leadership trainer. He is a founding member of Qalam Institute and has served in different leadership capacities with numerous local and national Islamic organizations. He is a khateeb in his local community and teaches regularly around the country on the topics of leadership, social media, and conducts public speaking training. He is also the author of the book Fiqh of Social Media.

Dr. Omar Shareef is an MD/MBA combined degree graduate from St. George's University School of Medicine, and is currently a psychiatry resident physician at Nassau University Medical Center while concurrently pursuing a certification in Adult Psychodynamic Psychotherapy at Columbia University. He is a certified Adult Mental Health First Aid instructor, and dedicates himself to advocating and promoting mental health wellness and literacy in underserved, BIPOC, and faith-based communities.

Sr. Amina Barhumi began working at CAIR-Ohio in February 2020. She is the Outreach Director responsible for organizing, engaging and educating the Ohio Muslim community about various issues such as voting, advocacy, and civil rights. Amina has called Columbus home for over 10 years, along with her husband and 4 children. She has worked in various non-profits, focusing on efforts that support the empowerment and engagement of Muslim-American youth. More generally, her interests lie in the area of developing and strengthening Muslim organizations and their corresponding communities. Amina has earned her degree in Business Management from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and she is currently an MPA Candidate at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at the University of Syracuse.

Ust. Nadeem Siddiqi grew up in Knoxville and has lived here since 1977. He graduated from the University of Tennessee with a degree in economics in 2002 and from Tayseer Seminary in 2016. He is a current board member of Annoor Academy, ACO, and Tayseer Seminary. Ustadh Nadeem serves as a Muslim Chaplain in the local prisons and at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville for the Muslim Student Association. He is a student of Shaykh Hassan Lachheb and Ustadha Zaynab Ansari. He also serves as adjunct faculty for Tayseer Seminary where he teaches a course in activism. Ustadh Nadeem is a local investor and advisor to businesses ranging from healthcare, IT services, real estate, and hospitality industries including start-ups.

Br. Safi Khan is an instructor at Qalam and Director of Retreats. He teaches online courses about the Seerah for teens on Qalam Connect. Currently, Safi lives in Dallas, TX with his wife and pursues Islamic education at the Qalam Seminary. He is the youth instructor at the Roots Community Space. Raised in Memphis, TN, he has graduated from the University of Memphis with a Bachelor's Degree in Teacher Education and a minor in English. He has served as a youth director and chaplain at a full time capacity since fall of 2016 in the Memphis community.

Br. Magdy Mansour serves as the Chairman for the Board of Trustee at the Muslim Interscholastic Tournament (MIST). He has an extensive history organizing and participating in community work. Professionally, he works as a senior change strategist and leadership coach where he advises individuals, teams, and organizations to maximize effectiveness and grow to be their best. He coaches leaders, facilitates alignment sessions across groups, designs and delivers training sessions, and helps clients transform their culture to become more customer-focused and achieve strategic objectives.

Sr. Saira Sikandar is a graduate student at the University of Memphis concentrating on visual communication. She interns at AutoZone, Inc. in Downtown Memphis and serves on the board for MIST Nashville as their Marketing Chair. In her free time, Saira manages her own photography and graphic design company, Saira Sikandar Co. and loves finding ways to bring her passion of content creation and philanthropy together.

Ustadh Haris Qudsi is a graduate of Qalam Institute Alimiyyah and Al-Rahmah Seminary. He has dedicated his life to the pursuit of the Islamic Sciences and educating the masses in the nuances of his faith, while being a servant to charitable causes and organizations. He has a particular interest in working with young professionals, helping them see the beauty of our religion and easing their already difficult journey in faith through discussion, collaboration and education. He serves as an Area Manager at Helping Hand for Relief and Development in Dallas, TX.

Br. Abdalla Hussain serves as the Youth Director at the Muslim Youth of Knoxville in Knoxville, Tennessee and works with students at Annoor Academy on extracurriculars, field trips, counseling, life skills, and much more. He has been a part of organizing youth programs since 2015 and is a graduate of the University of Tennessee Knoxville and Tayseer Seminary.

Sameer Mansour is one of the original founders of 901 Ummah currently serving as its Director. Born and raised in Memphis, he graduated from the University of Memphis in 2010 with a Biomedical Engineering degree. He has been working at Smith & Nephew since then. Sameer also serves as the Commissioner and Founder of the Muslim Basketball League of Memphis. In addition, he is the executive and youth director for the Memphis Islamic Center and advisor for Anhar Institute.